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Download newspaper      On 19th of February, 2002 the first number of the newspaper "Veteranskiy Vestnik" has left, and the circulation was only 150 copies. Now the newspaper leaves in monthly 10-thousand circulation.

     The newspaper becomes more and more claimed by veterans. it is, as we know, subscribers, readers, public correspondents wait. About what writes, the regional veteran newspaper reflects? The answer - in its name. We tell about veteran movement, life of the veteran organizations from первичек up to regional, city and regional. We give a tribune to veterans who would like to tell about itself, brother-soldiers. Despite of the small areas of the newspaper we find an opportunity to congratulate юбиляров to give consultation of the lawyer of the recommendation to gardeners - fans, to divide recipes of national medicine.

     Constant headings have appeared in the newspaper: " About people good ", " In advice(councils) of veterans ", " Literary creativity of veterans ", "Memorials", " Short news ", " the Letter in edition ", " good luck ", " Near the friend " etc.

     The most significant events it is illuminated in thematic numbers of the newspaper.

     Our author's active has appreciablly extended. More than hundred fifty veterans of war and work, workers of rear became our authors. Among them J.F.Adrianov, A.M. Арепина, A.F.Bobkov, V.V.Manin (by the way, first number of the newspaper is prepared by A.N.Morozov, S.V.Kochkin, N.T.Polotov, L.A. Priests, T.N.Popov, L.V.Rusano-va, L.U.Chernyshev and many others. Activity of veterans of military service which in connection with transition from army to civil life had many problems has increased. I iaaa-eat through the newspaper to draw attention of power structures to these problems and to help them to allow we are grateful to all advice of veterans which closely cooperate with us render the big help in the organization of a subscription.

     It is possible to subscribe for our newspaper in any post office of communication of Chelyabinsk and the Chelyabinsk area. To you workers of communication(connection) kindly will subscribe. A subscription index - 54656. Cost of a subscription - 13 roubles 80 copecks.

     Founders of the newspaper: the Chelyabinsk regional public organization of veterans of war and military service "Defender of FatherLand"; the Chelyabinsk regional advice of veterans (pensioners) of war, work, Armed forces and law enforcement bodies

Newspapers it is registered in Uralsk regional management of registration and the control of observance of the Law on MASS-MEDIA. Рег. _ A-3156 from 16.08.99.

Alla Iosifovna Chernetsova
was born on 28th of April, in 1954. In 1976 has acted in the Byelorussian institute of technology of С.М. Kirov on faculty of technical microbiology and in 1981 has ended a full rate of the named institute. Education - High. Since 1999 She works as the editor of the public newspaper of veterans of Southern Ural (Veteranskiy vestnik), which was founded of Chelyabinsk regional public organization of veterans of war and military service "Defender of FatherLand".

Rose Sergeevna Sedegova
Was born on 3 of August, in 1932 in family of the military man. Has two higher educations: in 1956 has ended philological faculty of the Leningrad state university of А.А. Zhdanov and in 1974 - branch of journalism of the Leningrad high party school. Worked in party bodies, has been the editor of the South-Ural book publishing house, workes in Department of service of employment of the population. Now she is an observer of the newspaper " Veteranskiy Vestnik" ("Veteran bulletin").

Imposition of the newspaper
Inga Jurevna Sekretareva
Was born on 23 of June, in 1978. Education - High. In 2000 she has ended Academy of work and social attitudes, social-economic institute. Since 1999 " the Veteran bulletin " is engaged in a computer set and imposition of this newspaper.

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